Category archive: Tunable Filters

High Speed Tunable Filter

High Speed Tunable Filter

The Lightwaves2020 Fiber-Optics High Speed Tunable Filter is a tunable optical filter to choose specified wavelength over certain range. The wavelength tuning is achieved by applying a control voltage. The typical wavelength scanning frequency is > 1kHz.

Linear Variable Filter

Linear Variable Filter

The Thin-film based tunable filter is an ideal candidate for telecom application, especially for DWDM system, on account of its low insertion loss, flat-top transmission spectrum, and excellent thermal stability.

Optical Tunable Filter Array

Optical Tunable Filter Array

The Lightwaves2020 Broadband tunable filter array is an 8-channel micromotor-driven optical tunable filter, in which the tuning is achieved by rotating a TFF filter. A wide variety of wavelength tuning ranges and profiles can be achieved by selecting the right thin film filter. There are options for the tunable filters of 100GHz or 50GHz channel…



40nm wavelength tuning range – Operating wavelength: C, L or S band – Low insertion loss – Low PDL Tuning with micrometer or stepper motor –  

