Category archive: Launch Condition Analyzer

Optotest OP1021 Launch Condition Analyzer

Optotest OP1021 Launch Condition Analyzer

This Launch Condition Analyzer analyses the Nearfiled as well as the Farfield of launch cables and sources over a wide wavelength range. Nearfiled Analyzer The Nearfiled (NF) describes the optical power density on the surface of a radiating source or the end of a fiber. The near field measurement can determine the refractive index profile…

Optotest OP752-MOD Modal Conditioner

Optotest OP752-MOD Modal Conditioner

This modal conditioner unit ensures correct launch into 50/125 multimode fiber to meet IEC encircled flux requirement. For multimode insertion loss measurements the LED sources are either conditioned to meet IEC launch condition for 50/125 fiber or 62.5/125 fiber. With the OP752-Mod the launch of a 62.5/125 is converted into the proper launch for 50/125…

